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State Farm®529储蓄计划-基于年龄的9-10投资组合

9至10岁受益人, this Portfolio seeks to provide growth of capital and some current income by investing 56% of its assets in diversified investments of domestic and international equity funds, 4%的全球房地产基金, 40%的国内和全球固定收益基金.

529 Plan Prices & Performance


Strategies: 投资组合根据固定的公式进行投资,通常会产生36的配置.5%的国内股票基金,4%的全球房地产基金,19.国际股票基金5%.5%的全球信用债券基金,35.5%国内固定收益基金. 投资组合管理现金流以维持既定的资产配置. 基础投资公司持有的股票主要包括美国大型股.S. 股票和外国股票,以及较小程度上的美国中小型股.S. stocks. 

Feature Amount/Fee
每个投资组合的最低额外贡献 $50
首次销售最高收费 3.50%


有关更多信息,请参阅计划费用和费用部分 项目披露声明.

Related links

Risk Disclosures

州农场529储蓄计划(“计划”)由内布拉斯加州赞助, 由内布拉斯加州财政部长管理, as Trustee, 内布拉斯加州投资委员会提供投资监督. Union Bank & 信托公司将担任项目经理和北方信托证券公司. will serve as distributor. The Plan offers a series of Investment Options within the 内布拉斯加州教育储蓄计划信托 (the “Trust”) which offers other Investment Options not affiliated with the Plan. The Plan is intended to operate as a qualified tuition program to be used only to save for qualified education expenses, 根据《pp王者电子官网》第529条.S. Internal Revenue Code.

投资者应考虑本计划的投资目标, risks, 投资前的费用和开支. 项目披露声明在® 其中包含的信息较多,投资前应仔细阅读.

Investors should consider before investing whether their or their beneficiary’s home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds, and protection from creditors that are only available for investments in such state’s qualified tuition program and should consult their tax advisor, 律师和/或其他法律顾问, 投资或税务情况.


小公司的股票比大公司的股票波动更大, 更成熟的公司.

外国投资比美国投资风险更大.S. 投资,包括政治和经济风险以及货币波动风险.


基于年龄的投资组合会随着时间自动调整, 当你的孩子到了上大学的年龄,你会变得更加保守.

投资这种投资方式,你可能会赔钱. Although a money market fund in which your investment option invests (the underlying fund) seeks to preserve its value at $1.因此,相关基金不能保证会这样做. An investment in this investment option is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. 基础基金的保荐人没有向基础基金提供财务支持的法律义务, 您不应期望保荐人会在任何时候提供相关基金的财务支持.

没有联邦存款pp王者电子官网公司pp王者电子官网* |没有银行担保|可能失去价值

State Farm®及其代理均不提供税务或法律建议.


参与本计划并不保证供款及供款的投资回报, if any, 是否足够支付未来的学费和其他高等教育费用, or that a beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend an eligible educational institution.

本材料仅供一般和教育用途,不打算提供法律, tax or investment advice, 或为了避免根据美国法律可能施加的惩罚.S. federal tax laws. 本材料并非出售或征求购买任何证券的要约. Any offer to sell units within the Plan may only be made by the 项目披露声明 and Participation Agreement relating to the Plan.

内布拉斯加州教育储蓄计划信托 Issuer

Nebraska State Treasurer Trustee

内布拉斯加州投资委员会 Investment Oversight

Union Bank and Trust Program Manager

州立农场副总裁管理公司. Selling Dealer

Northern Trust Securities 经销商,FINRA成员,SIPC

账户持有人并不持有相关投资的股份, or, 就银行储蓄投资期权而言, 直接持有储蓄账户, 而是拥有国家农场529储蓄计划提供的个人投资选择的权益.

资产未用于符合条件的费用, the earnings portion of the withdrawal is subject to federal income tax and an additional 10% federal tax and may be subject to state and local taxes. 合格的高等教育费用包括学费, fees, textbooks, supplies and equipment (including computers) required for enrollment or attendance and certain room and board expenses for the academic term during which the student is enrolled at least half time at an eligible educational institution. Expenses for special-needs students that are necessary in connection with their enrollment or attendance may also be eligible.

如果账户所有人在五年期限结束前去世, 按比例分配的部分将包括在他或她的应税遗产中. 如果你的捐款少于80美元,000 maximum, 额外的捐款可以不产生联邦赠与税, 按比例最高可达16美元,000 per year. Federal gift taxation may result if a contribution exceeds the available annual gift tax exclusion amount remaining for a beneficiary in the year of the contribution.

No additional contributions can be made for any beneficiary when the fair market value of all accounts maintained for that beneficiary within all plans offered by the State of Nebraska reaches $500,000. 资产可以超过50万美元.

“家庭成员”包括一个儿子, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter or a descendant of any such person; a brother, sister, stepbrother, or stepsister; the father or mother, or an ancestor of either; a stepfather or stepmother; a son or daughter of a brother or sister; a brother or sister of the mother; a son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law; the spouse of the beneficiary or the spouse of any individual described above; or a first cousin of the beneficiary. 为了确定谁是“家庭成员”,” a legally adopted child or a foster child of an individual is treated as the child of that individual by blood. “兄弟”和“姐妹”包括同父异母的兄弟和同父异母的姐妹.

An eligible educational institution includes accredited post-secondary educational institutions or vocational schools in the United States and some abroad offering credit toward a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree, 研究生学位或专业学位, 或其他认可的高等教育证书. See


Each of the investment products and services referred to on the State Farm Mutual Funds web site is intended to be made available to customers or prospective customers residing in the United States. The customer's U.S. 永久居住地址必须是街道地址. This web site shall not be considered a solicitation or offering for any investment product or service to any person in any jurisdiction where such solicitation or offer would be unlawful.


州立农场副总裁管理公司. has developed a Business Continuity Plan on how we will respond to events that significantly disrupt our business. 因为灾难和破坏的时间和影响是不可预测的, 我们必须灵活应对发生的实际事件. 考虑到这一点,我们向您提供有关我们业务连续性计划的信息.

Contacting Us -在重大业务中断后, 如果您不能像往常一样pg电子官方网页版,请拨打1-800-321-7520, 你应该联系你注册的州立农场代理,或者访问我们的网站.com®.

我们的业务连续性计划 – We plan to quickly recover and resume business operations as soon as possible after a significant business disruption and respond by safeguarding our employees and property, 进行财务和业务评估, 保护公司的账簿和记录, 并允许我们的客户进行交易. In short, 我们的业务连续性计划旨在使我们的公司能够尽快恢复运营, 鉴于重大业务中断的范围和严重性.

Our business continuity plan addresses: data back-up and recovery; all mission critical systems; financial and operational assessments; alternative communications with customers, employees, and regulators; alternate physical location of employees; critical supplier, contractor, bank and counter-party impact; regulatory reporting; and procedures to help ensure that our customers have prompt access to their funds and securities if we are unable to continue our business.

我们的业务连续性计划可能会被修订或修改. 如果有更改,更新的摘要将立即发布在我们的网站(statefarm)上.com) or you may obtain an updated summary by calling us at the number below and requesting that a written copy be mailed to you.

Varying Disruptions -重大业务中断的范围可能有所不同, such as only our firm, 我们公司就在一栋楼里, 我们公司所在的商业区, 我们所在的城市, or the whole region. 在这些领域中,破坏的严重程度也可以从轻微到严重不等. 只有我们公司或我们公司所在的大楼受到干扰, we may transfer our operations to a local site when needed and expect to recover and resume business within 1 business day. 在影响我们商业区的混乱中, city, or region, 我们将把我们的业务转移到受影响地区以外的地点, 并期望在3个工作日内恢复营业. In either situation, 我们打算继续经营下去, 必要时转移操作, 并通过我们的网站statefarm通知你.Com,或我们的客户号码如何pg电子官方网页版. In the unlikely event that the significant business disruption is so severe that it prevents us from remaining in business, 我们的计划提供了程序,以帮助确保我们的客户能够迅速获得他们的资金和证券.

在上述所有情况下, in light of the various types of disruptions that could take place and that every emergency poses unique problems, 在任何特定的中断期间,恢复运营可能需要更长的时间. 如果您对我们的业务连续性计划有任何疑问,您可以拨打1-800-321-7520与我们联系.


协助政府打击资助恐怖主义及洗钱活动, 联邦法律要求所有金融机构获得, verify, 并记录每个开户人的身份信息.

这对你意味着什么:当你开了一个账户, we will ask for your name, address, 出生日期和其他信息,使我们能够识别您的身份. 我们也可能要求看你的驾驶执照或其他身份证明文件.
